Support Us
When making purchases from our shop, there are a few payment options:
Supporters using GBP can use any payment method
Supporters using EUR, USD, CAD & CHF can use GPay (preferred) or PayPal
Supporters using currency not mentioned above can only currently use PayPal (or donate directly to our Go Get Funding Page)
Supporters from India who would like to do a one-off donation can do so using this Gpay - 83018 86284
We are doing our very best to simplify this process and make it more accessible to everyone.​​
One-off Donations
Monthly Donations
Sponsoring a dog or another element of Cherai Tails means we can rely on monthly donations to get food and medicine to our Tails. The daily struggle of fundraising to make ends meet limits our ability to help more dogs, and makes the future uncertain for the ones we currently look after.
If you sign up to be a Cherai Tails sponsor, we will send you a personalised certificate as well as a monthly email with updates and photos of your beneficiary.
Sponsor Wolf's Bravecto
7£Every monthWolf suffers from terrible skin diseases and he needs a Bravecto (£21) every 3 months. A monthly donation of £7 means we can give him this expensive magic pill every 90 days to keep him healthy.ÂSponsor Dusty's Treatment
15£Every monthDusty has kidney disease and she needs weekly drips, a special diet, and frequent vet visits. £15 per month will contribute towards her care so she can continue living the life she loves on the beach.ÂSponsor an Insider
50£Every monthWe currently have 14 insiders plus 2 dogs in paid boarding, not to mention the 50+ street dogs we take care of with food and medication. Please help us help them!Â
In the future, we will be offering a bigger selection of Cherai Tails goodies, with 100% of the profits going towards our Tails.
Please watch this space!